Monday, January 21, 2008

The problems I faced while implementing something in web

I will update this post as and when I face some problems in web technologies.
  • The z-index property does not work unless you specify position property.
  • The script tag must be written as < script .... > < /script > even though u don't have any thing in between the opening and closing script tags. If u follow the xml standard to end the tag like < script ... / >, It wont work in IE.


lion said...

Please have a look at this link:
for your z-index issue.

Its more to do with creating a stacking context than a issue of not working. the z-index doesn't work out of the box - as in, you cannot use it directly to place an element behind or front another. The link explains it all.

balaji said...

thanks for the info. It was very helpful in understanding the z-index clearly.